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Maja Blanca Cake Tart Good morning everyone( or evening depending under what palm tree you are reading this post) and Happy Birthday! Who's birthday? Depends on specific cases ( Happy Bday Ate A and Gabrielle (counting that you'll be a Feb. baby, people born this month are the best!), but mostly generic we should celebrate the best day of all, Women's Day, on March 1st! Why the best? Because it's well known they always bring the best ( or worst ) in us ( but for this specific occasion we shall assume it's the best! ), and as such I have researched deep inside my endless bucket of inspiration for an appropriate gift. Not having found one and considering that flowers are overrated, I shall give you the best gift of all: the gift of knowledge, as I shall bake the best cake ever, using an old filipino recipe and my best unique ideas for an astonishing end result that I shall eat all alone while you cheer Sarap, Sarap ! Yes, as you already figured it out from t



Hello and Happy New Year everyone! As some of you may know, I have returned from another "foray"( adventure - I promised to use a new word every day) in Philippines where, aside from socializing with lots of nice people and making new friends in Pokemon Go ( we need to keep pace with times and modern social activities), I also tried lots of nice foods, from JolliBee to P's pickled mangoes ( which are excellent and if you live nearby you should definitely buy a jar and help her stay in business).
That being said, I have in fact returned 2 weeks ago but I tried having the flu for the first week ( just for diversity, a man has to to what a man has to do for an extra vacation day or two, so go on and lick those metro entrance tourniquets ). As such, R advised to prepare the best filipino remedy for those long cold 25 C degrees  winters they have out there, Chicken macaroni sopas. Now, for those who didn't get it yet, yes, it's like a chicken soup with macaroni, because what's better when you have a cold than to go out in the snowstorm at -20 ( in Canada) and buy ingredients for a soup that you'll have to prepare on your own ( like your mom used to do !). 
So what do we need? 
Well, of course , catch a 100hp  Torchick or if you're not a pokefan, a regular 500g chicken breast should do, steam it well and minced nicely before transferring it to the professor.
A big onion and a bag of baby carrots should always be a good addition to your fridge over the winter so get them out and add some nice salty butter bar in the picture, as seen below. Now dump all of this into a big pot of gold and cook them nicely for a few minutes or until it smells nice. If you are still sick and you can't smell ( as in my case), well, the smoke quantity coming out of the pot is also a good indicator.
Now it's a good time to add 1 L of tasty chicken broth on top, in order to accentuate the Torchick flavor. No, we shall not add any candy, but instead, just to make sure you can really taste the chicken, add some cube of Maggy chicken concentrate . The more chicken, the merrier I always say.
As the next step, one of my favorites, is dumping a big bag of chicken macaroni inside the soup! Just kidding, it's normal macaroni ( but wouldn't it be great if it tasted like chicken? - hear that Maggy? - remember, you've seen it here first!). Let it simmer for a while and take a nap.
It's now time for the secret ingredient X: evaporated milk! Dump a nice can of milk in the mixture, and remember, no matter what you've seen or heard in Philippines, don't use the one with sugar or vanilla flavor.
And now we wait for a bit and... Tadaaaa! : Chicken Macaroni Sopas! Take that you flu! Sarap!
Edit: one hour later, the macaroni eat all the soup so now it's more like Chicken Macaroni! Which is not a bad thing in fact , it's still super nice and sarap! We shall eat that with a potatoes serving, as a real canadian would do ( macaroni poutine anyone? )
