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Maja Blanca Cake Tart Good morning everyone( or evening depending under what palm tree you are reading this post) and Happy Birthday! Who's birthday? Depends on specific cases ( Happy Bday Ate A and Gabrielle (counting that you'll be a Feb. baby, people born this month are the best!), but mostly generic we should celebrate the best day of all, Women's Day, on March 1st! Why the best? Because it's well known they always bring the best ( or worst ) in us ( but for this specific occasion we shall assume it's the best! ), and as such I have researched deep inside my endless bucket of inspiration for an appropriate gift. Not having found one and considering that flowers are overrated, I shall give you the best gift of all: the gift of knowledge, as I shall bake the best cake ever, using an old filipino recipe and my best unique ideas for an astonishing end result that I shall eat all alone while you cheer Sarap, Sarap ! Yes, as you already figured it out from t



Halo halo everyone, I'm back today with a new post from the Stranger Cookings series, or as the Terminator 2 would say:"I'll be BAK!" Well anyway, you're here reading nonsense so let's get right to the main one! Today we shall try our luck with an amazing filipino recipe which spreads joy when eating and makes everyone remember their happy days, Embutido .
  This is supposed to be an easy to prepare dish but we'll make it more exiting with an awesome DIY project! Actually this recipe reminds me of a similar one from back home, Drob, which is usually served in Easter or Christmas. 
Anyway, for today's trials of fire we shall get our winter boots and brave through the snow to the corner store where we catch some pokemons, spin the pokestop and buy some minced pork meat, a medium green bell pepper, and some excellent bread crumbs italian style, with cheese flavor ( because as you know Italians love their cheese and spread it on anything that moves or bakes).
Since you are there, also send a virtual poke gift to your only friends, the ones from the game, and get some eggs, wiener sausages ( or some regular smoked hotdogs should do if you are still suffering from your new year's debts) and something to drink for inspiration.
Now, snowboard your way home and let's get cooking!!!
For the first task you need  a big onion.. oh dang! grab your snow boots, shovel and fight your way to the corner shop, buy an onion ( spin the pokestop) and snowboard back , and chop it gently into small pieces! Also chop the green bell pepper, get the frozen carrots out of the freezer, microwave them for 2 minutes to defrost ( and drain the resulting water) and chop them tiny tiny as your mom would do.
We also need 2 row eggs, 4 spoons of flour, and a topping of one coup delicious cheese bread crumbs ( you can lick a spoon of those in advance, I guarantee it's super nice).
 Now that that's done, we shall top it with some tomato paste..oh, grab your shoes and snow hat and run to the store, use the teleportation device to get back ( spin the pokestop), and put the awesome pizza tomato paste on top, along with that can of green peas that resides on your fridge top shelf since last year without paying rent. Normally this recipe calls for raisins, but as R mentioned earlier, "who likes raisins"?! Well, I do, but ok, green peas should be fine.
Now raise your sleeves and dive in, mix everything vigorously ( don't forget to wash your hands first - too late now! ). Add some pepper for taste. More. More! No salt cause the bread crumbs are already using 20% of the daily intake so that's cool for me.
Now that we have the nice mixture, all you need are some aluminum sheets: spread the mixture evenly with scientific precision into 2 large portions and a 3rd smaller one, with love and care, put a hot-dog in the middle and  some boiled egg ( oh ya, you need to boil eggs, whatever! )and roll it as if your life depends on it! cap it nicely and set aside.
Should look like this:
If different please restart from scratch. 
Now that that's done, you need a steamer. Don't own one? No issue! Grab your snow boots, try to run to the dollar store singing Christmas Carols and get a set of aluminum pie tarts baking dishes ( pokestop!). Crawl back home and use two of them as steaming supports: one on the bottom of the pot and one as a support plate on top, of course, after making some holes in them for better steam ventilation. Now this DIY steamer confers multiple advantages to the user, (aside from the aluminum poisoning) as such: if you forget your stuff steaming and the water evaporates while you play videogames ( or read very important books about important smart stuff as I do) then you'll be awaken by the burnt smell and fire alarm but your cooking is not ruined ( only the bottom of the pot gets burned! Win!) .
Alright, so now put some water inside, try to fit 2 of the rolls on top and put the lid on. Swedish steaming time! Well, I wanted to oven bake the 3rd one but R opposed categorically to the experiment so we'll do a 3rd steaming afterwards. As mentioned, get your smart book and read for 1.5 hours while the food is steaming all alone in it's aluminum tin shell, like a sad tin man with no heart or feelings.
Wake up 1 hour later by the burnt smell, retrieve the rolls from the pot and voila: All done to perfection. Now the challenge is to cut them into actual rolls, because apparently it needs more bread crumbs in the mixture and it's not very cohesive. Serve with super nice frozen fries ( cut julienne) and Heinz's Sweet Relish... oh.. grab your snow shoes and zing back and forth ( spin the pokestop!) to the shop.. well actually the relish should be in the mixture, so in case you didn't start rolling yet you should definitely use some before.
Aaaaanyway, eat some and then eat some more, because , I promise, it's super Sarap! wohooo, yum, aluminum tastes awesome! Enjoy! ( and spin that pokestop)!
