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Showing posts from September, 2018


Maja Blanca Cake Tart Good morning everyone( or evening depending under what palm tree you are reading this post) and Happy Birthday! Who's birthday? Depends on specific cases ( Happy Bday Ate A and Gabrielle (counting that you'll be a Feb. baby, people born this month are the best!), but mostly generic we should celebrate the best day of all, Women's Day, on March 1st! Why the best? Because it's well known they always bring the best ( or worst ) in us ( but for this specific occasion we shall assume it's the best! ), and as such I have researched deep inside my endless bucket of inspiration for an appropriate gift. Not having found one and considering that flowers are overrated, I shall give you the best gift of all: the gift of knowledge, as I shall bake the best cake ever, using an old filipino recipe and my best unique ideas for an astonishing end result that I shall eat all alone while you cheer Sarap, Sarap ! Yes, as you already figured it out from t


PANCIT CANTON Alright kids, let me tell you a story. There was once, long time ago, when crabs could fly and probably R wasn't allergic to shellfish, in an ancient and mysterious asian island lost between 1000 others,a young girl named Xit Pan. She was super pretty and her smile always cheered everyone, and also liked rice pasta a lot, therefore each morning she was going out in her rice field and she sang to the young plants with her angelic voice. Yes, Pan Xit can tune alright! One day, after her morning ritual, she went for a pina colada and a long walk on the beach when she spotted a young fisherman in his boat near the shore. The boat was half full of provisions as he looked like he was lost at sea.  Xit Pan introduced herself: "Pan Xit!" and pointed towards the boat. The fisherman didn't understand her language though and thought she was referring to his provisions. "Canned tuna!" he said. Anyway, long story short, she took him home and they got ma


CHEESE SOUFFLE Hello hello everyone, or as the french say HohohoHooo, fromage! Yes, I have visited Paris last week and after being charmed by the culture, art and long lines in front of Nike shoes store, I have decided to take the cooking more seriously and try a french delicacy , of course using a filipino recipe. As such, today we shall prepare Souffle au Fromage , HohoHoHOO! Of course, this decision has a background story as we ( R included) crossed the city in search of genuine souffle for hours, and when we finally reached the Souffle Restaurant they would only take reservations. That being said I left the privilege of tasting the heaven to R, while I returned to Canada and decided to improve on the original recipe ( which is probably old and outdated ). Good! So here we are with joy and confidence! If you believe in yourself, you can move mountains(of souffle ). -We shall start as usual by having a screwdriver handy.  Then we separate the whites from the yellows (yolk


MAMI CHICKEN TINOLA Edit: I was told that tinola is by definition made with ginger. For those faint of heart, warning: I forgot to buy any. So this is Mami Chicken full stop.Anyway, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my case, tinola is in your eyes. What gimger means to others, means nothing to me.Enjoy! Halo everyone, and Happy Winter as we say in Canada when August ends. Well, tomorrow is a special day, the Labour Day, which we don't celebrate 1st of May as the rest of the world because as you know Canada is on a different time zone so here it arrives a bit late. Probably on a boat. But since it conveniently interfered with my plans to go to work and do overtime ( because the paradox makes that you don't work on Labour day), I've decided to get back to an older cooking challenge, which is the first recipe that gloriously failed, the Chicken Tinola . But now, with experience under the hood and some new power torque in shape of wooden cooking spoons, courtesy of R